Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Alternate Reality Idea

Whilst completing the thumbnails for one the cities I had an interesting Idea that I wanted to get some opinions on. Instead of just going on the descriptions of the cities themselves I was wondering if we could create a twist to the worlds for example. The city Diomira resemble's and old Greek or Egyptian city too me, with the huge god statues that are around the city, something you don't see in any modern city's nowadays (only in rare occasions). This paired with the huge domes that don't seem to fit the aesthetic I started to think of an alternate reality where technology had evolved much faster then culture. Similar to world's like the Wolfenstien games where the Nazi's discovered future technology and had access to supernatural and alien tech. Winning world war 2 and changing the world completely.

You could have a world where the Greek's where able to develop huge metallic city's with robotic guards, mech suits and chariots powered by steam, whilst still staying the way culturally that they would have been many years ago.

I find this to be a much more interesting idea then just looking at the city itself and trying to design it purely off of the description. So like I said at the start If I could get some kind of feedback on this and what you guys think, it would be a big help. Time to start sketching ideas. :)

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