Friday, 7 November 2014

Maya- Digital Set

Here is the work I have been doing for the Digital set tutorial, this one has taken me the longest to get up on the blog. There's just so much to model. 

The completed Alley way model, pre texturing. This model was time consuming due to the small amounts of details that needed to be included. However it was fairly straight forward in terms of modeling. I ran into a few issues, certain models turning black after being extruded but I eventually found a work around. 

The lamp post model that will be incorporated into the Alley way scene once the basic texturing is complete. Creating this model has been very helpful in learning to use the tools available to me more often, there were times when I needed to do things that Alan didn't have too which made the experience more engaging then just sitting and repeating what was happening in the tutorial. 

The crate model continues onto the next tutorial so this will be completed soon.

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